SportAnalytik is a program designed for children aged 5-16, using nine simple tests to identify their physical skills and recommend the right sport for them. During the half-day sport event, children take part in nine entertaining sport tests to reveal their somatotype, sport dispositions and strengths such as coordination, speed, power, endurance or tactical skills.
We make an individual assessment for each child and then compare it with individual sports requirements. As a result, we identify the sport talent of each child and provide him/her with a customized report of suitable sports (including contacts to sport teams and clubs).
We cooperated on the SportAnalytik methodology with Dr. Tomas Peric, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University Prague, international expert in this field and we are constantly working together on its optimization and improvement. The disciplines were chosen to cover the main areas of physical skills – strength, endurance, speed, coordination, flexibility and their combination.
It is not the aim of SportAnalytik to select sport professionals, but to bring joy to every child by discovering his sport talent.